Saturday, May 28, 2011


            This Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario will have students creating work in a Web 2.0 tool that is very similar to software tools that they use in the school computer labs.  They will compare and contrast their experience and share their opinions with the teacher and each other.  The assignment will be executed entirely online.

1.              Target Audience

2nd year college students.  Generally20-28 yrs. old, male and female.

2.              Materials (per student):

a)    Computer with
·  Adobe Photoshop
·  Adobe Audition
b)  Broadband Internet Connection
c)   Picture or sound files for students to work with

3.              Objectives: (Students will…)

a)    Create a new piece of work using an tool (Phoenix or Myna).
b)   Analyze the ease of use of the Aviary tool.
c)    Evaluate and contrast the capability of the Aviary tool with that of the comparative Adobe product (they’ve already used).
d)   Identify how this technology might be useful in one or more of the courses taken at the college.

4.         Procedure

a)    Email the student group with a link to including the access code for this assignment/class.  Request a brief message be sent by each student once they have registered for Schoology and linked to the class with the access code.
b)   From Schoology, send a message to all students with a link to  Direct students to either create or manipulate an image, as they would do with Photoshop or create a new a new audio file using several audio tracks in Myna.
c)    Create a discussion board in Schoology for students to post a link to their work and leave comments.
d)   Direct the students to save their work on the Aviary server, then copy and paste the link to the work in the Discussion Board.  They must then view or listen to at least 2 other students’ works and leave comments.
e)    After comments have been posted, direct students to take the last step and write a blog comparing/contrasting the Aviary tool with the Adobe tool and reflecting on their experience.  Students should be directed to embed their work into the blog post.
Blog post can either be done from inside Schoology or one central blog could be created for the project using Blogger.

5.         Web 2.0 Tools

This RIL Scenario will utilize two tools of the suite of online tools: Phoenix & Myna.  These tools are comparable to the popular and well-known Adobe production tools of Photoshop and Audition, respectively.  This scenario will also make use of another Web 2.0 tool:  Schoology offers a Facebook-like social networking environment as well as learning management tools.  This will become the conduit for students to communicate with the professor and each other during the learning/experimentation process.  Finally, students will publish links to their finished work and the critiques to a class blog using blogger.

6.         Social Participation

After completing their creations, students must view or listen to two other student’s works and post comments on the work.  This interchange between students will serve as a foundation for their final compare/contrast entry on the blog post.

7.         Making Connections

Students will connect work that they have done with their lab software with the Web 2.0 tools to create something new.  The new material will then become part of a new project, which will make use of the product(s) created with the Aviary tool(s).  The students’ work will also be shared to other classes and courses via their blog post on the web.

8.         Create/Produce

While the student will create a new work connected with a previous endeavor, the real product will be the analysis of the Web 2.0 tool itself.  Sharing the experience with other students will help all the students gain insight into effective use of the Aviary tools and guide the lesson toward more effective deployment in the future.

9.         Assessment

            See rubric below.

RILS Rubric for Student Work

Product Production
Project contains detail and complexity comparative to projects done in class.
Project is a complete product but lacks some detail or complexity
Project is overly simple and lacks detail and complexity.
Project is incomplete and does not yield a complete product.
Analysis of Web 2.0 Tool
Narrative contains complete notes of personal experience and personal observations about the process of using the Aviary tool.
Narrative contains some notes of personal experience and at least 1 observation on the process of using the Aviary tool.
Narrative makes at least a single reference of personal experience and one observation on the process of using the Aviary tool.
Narrative lacks notes of personal experience and does not explain the process of using the Aviary tool.
(compare/   contrast)
Narrative contains clear and specific comparisons to Adobe product equivalent and expresses preferences backed by reason.
Narrative makes some general comparisons to Adobe product equivalent and expresses preferences.
Narrative summarizes experience and compares to equivalent Adobe product.  Statement of preference is not fully explained.
Narrative makes no comparisons to Adobe product equivalent and expresses no opinion on preference.
Narrative reflects on the student’s experience and projects, by example, specifically how the Aviary tool could be used by others in a similar course.
Narrative reflects on the student’s experience and describes possible use in another course, not necessarily by example.
Narrative summarizes but does not reflect on student’s personal experience.  Projects possible use of tool without examples.
Narrative lacks reflection on experience and does not project a possible use for the application.

10.      Reflection

Students will create a blog post to compare/contrast the Aviary tool with the Adobe tool.  This will be a written evaluation, posted to a project-centered blog and will include a reflection on their experience and their personal projection for its classroom use.
The teacher will create a personal reflection using iMovie that includes feedback from the student reflections (using screen capture and/or Screenflow video).


  1. I think you have produced a great lesson plan. I like how you were able to implement 3 different tools. I really want to take a closer look at the Schoology web 2.0 tool. This tool looks like it will have the ability to be real valuable. I Think your video is well done too.
    great job

  2. I complete agree with Derek. Very well done. I am definitely going to explore using the Aviary tool choice set. This looks like a simply plan to implement with the right technical tools in a classroom. Schoology seemed to save the day and make it all flow effortlessly. The music in the video was really great!

  3. This is a great project the way you connected the tools. I will take a closer look at the Aviary tool some more. This is a tool I can use with my classes. Great Job.

  4. Another clean and interesting video! I'm also impressed with your use of three different tools! Although being separated from your target audience for summer created a difficult situation for you, it seems that being forced to use another Web 2.0 tool for communication paid off. Great work!

  5. Excellent video that is clean and concise. I see aviary being a great tool in the classroom that doesn't have a large amount of technology resources since the files will be stored online and the program itself is free. Thanks for sharing!
