I'm not sure I'll ever use regular bookmarks again. This page displays the various iGoogle tabs that I created for my Emergent Technologies in a Collaborative Culture class at Full Sail University. Creating this Personal Learning Environment (PLE) is going to be very helpful. If I want to get something done at my job (without my mac) or if I'm traveling, all I need to do is access my iGoogle and everything is there. This will surely make the rest of my time at Full Sail more productive and convenient. Here are the screen shots of my tabbed pages:
Above: My Home tab featuring Facebook & Twitter gadgets. Below the scroll line are a few news feeds, a To-Do list and my Gmail.
Above: My FSO tab featuring a LinkedIn gadget and a box of Full Sail links such as the portal, FSO Mail, Wimba and links to my classmates' as well my own portfolio site.
Above: My CBR tab with boxes of links to CBR resources and to my teammates CBR sites.
Above: My ETC tab with Blogger and Flickr gadgets, my Google docs and links to web 2.0 tools as well as links to the ETC blog and my teammates' blogs.
I'm definitely enjoying using iGoogle too, as its really convenient to have everything in one place like this. Also, between your theme for Firefox and the one for iGoogle, you've got a nice visual theme going on.